IO5 HE guide to address needs and requirements for embracing bottom-up digital action in HE practices

#5 HE guide to address needs and requirements for embracing bottom-up digital action in HE practices

Intellectual Output 5 (IO5) will explore how community groups and citizens currently shape Digital Action (DA) projects, in collaboration with Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), to address societal needs, as well as the needs and requirements of different stakeholders (i.e. communities, academic staff, students, etc) for DA in a crisis situation. To this end, IO5 will organise: a. a series of round table events and webinars with community groups to explore and report their needs and requirements for bottom-up DA projects ; b. a series of round table events, webinars and other awareness raising activities within HEIs to identify staff and students’ needs from DA projects, as well as the opportunities for and the impact of DA projects within HEIs. The events will provide the basis to share successs stories, and further map barriers and opportunities for DA which will be captured and published as an ‘HE guide for effectively embracing bottom-up Digital Action in HE practices’.